Spiritual and Wellness Transformation
Advancement in personal soul growth and spirit contact for dedicated seekers of wisdom in spiritual inspirational guidance and answers
Soul-2-Soul A seer is a person with highly developed intuitive abilities who is able to perceive information and situations that most people using their five senses cannot. The Clair "clear" senses are six types of psychic abilities: Clairvoyance is clear seeing; Claircognizance is clear knowing; Clairaudience is clear hearing; Clairsentience is clear feeling; Clairalience is clear smelling; and Clairgustance is clear tasting. A seer provides the soul-to-soul reading, which is created energetically or with sound, thus engaging a clear two-way interconnection from their soul to the individual recipient's soul and back. This is similar to a translator communicating messages between speakers of different languages.
Mediums connect with the unseen world of energy that exists all around them, within or outside of the seen world of dense matter. A compassionate and devoted medium dedicates their life to helping other beings "on the other side," be they lost, confused, or lonely, or possibly, at the same time, connecting with the departed soul(s) "spirit(s)" and sharing their evidence and messages with the living loved ones.
Spirit-medium communication is solely between the medium and the departed spirit. Suzanna Joy connects with the spirit world with the possibility of connecting with a past person whom you knew or knew of during your life. The only questions that Susanna Joy will ask the spirit are those directly associated with a specific phrase or object that the spirit communicated or showed. These questions are for clarity purposes. At no time does a medium command a spirit to appear. No medium can ever guarantee that your specific deceased loved one will come forth. The departed spirit has free will and chooses whether they will or will not make their presence known during the session.
The All In with Brian Weatherford Show on BizTV TexasS
Susanna Joy PhD Soul-2-Soul Seer Dolphin Angel Wings – Whispering Voices
Second Part
My earliest memories of communicating—hearing, seeing, and sensing the presence of the "unknown"—commenced between two and three years old. I always enjoyed playing together with my "unseen" playmates and my dog. During my first few years in grade school, I would experience hundreds of "unseen" emaciated people suffering, and although I was unable to completely explain or understand their presence, I felt them connecting with me. In the fourth grade, when I began learning about specific histories, I would walk out of the classroom without an explanation. After numerous attempts, my teacher convinced me to remain in the classroom. Then my mind, memories, and ethereal self vanished. Some said I was daydreaming, yet I knew that I had traveled somewhere else to learn other lessons.
I always felt safe and was never frightened by any of the experiences. My abilities to foresee expanded. I would know, hear, see, and/or sense what may come to be rapidly filling me with knowing what was not yet known. During my high school years, I gained insight and practiced meditation, self-hypnosis, and some yoga techniques. During my later year of high school, I began encountering mystical souls and OBEs (out-of-body experiences) while traveling to places that I had never visited in the physical realm. These domestic and foreign journeys were timeless; I arrived in the present, past, or future. Today, I recall many of the ethereal journeys.
When I was sixteen, I ‘fell" in love with G-d. I wrote poems about and to G-d, and in all ways I knew I was safe and at peace. G-d was and is the energy of my life. I trusted and listened; this permitted and advanced my immersion and fascination with the mystical to prove prodigious, comforting, and supportive. I have lived a life rich in experiences, both horrific and wonderful. I know that the horrific tragedies propelled me to accept those harsh lessons, thus filling me with understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Somehow, I knew that being stuck, bitter, or hateful could cause me to become a prisoner of all the negative actions, thus becoming self-destructive and poisonous.
Adult years have been vast, with awkward challenges and amazing gifts. During many spring and summer years, I have been blessed to visit Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in South Dakota. I have gained new friends and ‘family." I enjoyed partaking in the variety of Lakota Sioux ceremonies. One of the greatest ceremonies is the Sun Dance (a four-day and twenty-four-hour prayer, dancing, chanting, and giving thanks ceremony). This ceremony opened the veil for magnificent spirits to connect and communicate with me. In honor of my abilities and connection with Wakan Tanka (the Great Spirit God), Tunjkasila (the Grandfather Spirit), Ona Maca (the Mother Earth), and Mitakuye Oyasin (all life relations: humans, animals, plants, etc.), I was presented and honored as a Shaman (a medicine person).
Decades had passed, and many people were encouraging me to provide readings. I was opposed and hesitant to consider the suggestion, even though I was receiving insightful messages from my patients. I believed that, as a naturopathic doctor, I wasn’t about to present psychic readings. Yes, I was clearly seeing and hearing messages from angels, spirits, and guides. Then I was catapulted. A best friend, NM, after nearly a year of her persistence, conceded and agreed to partake in a paranormal psychic event. The day of the event arrived, we set up, and I commenced with receiving sitters. The people flocked to my booth and stood in line, waiting for their personal reading.
The review of the overall experience was fulfilling and amazing. Numerous spirits, animals, and humans alike presented themselves to me as conduits for their communication with their living loved ones. The universe expressed in actions that the spirit medium is a path for me. I knew that I must seek a teacher to learn the proper methods of a spirit medium. I have a curious nature, and all my life I have relished and enjoyed the mystical, unknown, and unseen, and with each expansion of awareness in relation to the souls (in the living) and spirits (those who have crossed over), My goals are focused on sharing, guiding, teaching, and healing with love for all of you that seek my services for your highest good.
Throughout my adult life, I have experienced different power animals that presented themselves to me for guidance during different stages of my spiritual growth. Following my mother’s passing in 2008, I managed to continue my spiritual advancement and awareness, which was when the whales first appeared. I loved the whales and would telepathically communicate with them from afar. By the summer's end, the dolphins had engaged my attention as they directed me on a personal physical and soul-adventurous journey, which would catapult me into the deeper essence of patience from the alligator and the curiousness of the mermaids. Still, the dolphins were my guides.
Many people either know or have heard that dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Their intelligence rates are similar to humans. Dolphins and humans maintain a close connection and are capable of interspecies communication. Did you know that dolphins excel on intelligence tests?
There are many legends and stories about dolphins regarding their relationship with humans and "gods." In northwestern and Alaskan Native American Indian mythology, the dolphin clan and dolphin totem of coastal Alaskan tribes interconnected porpoises with the dolphins, for they are closely related to each other. Native American tribes and other cultures living near the oceans share numerous stories about dolphins and porpoises helping people by carrying them to shore in rough waters or driving away menacing sharks or other dangers. Other mystical legends tell us that the dolphins would transform into humans to serve as guardians or protectors of the Indian tribe.
Nearly ten years ago, the dolphins and spirit guides gently prodded and guided me to provide soul and spirit medium readings. Within five days, I had to create a business name, a calling card, and a display sign for the first event with my new services. The ultimate image was dolphins, angels, and spirits. I heard their soft voices speaking to me, and so Dolphin Angel Wings: Whispering Voices was born.
Accurate enjoyable and informative readings with Susanna Joy as her soul connects with your soul, and receive insightful messages from your soul pertaining to your present and near future
Evidential communicative messages from your departed loved-ones as they present their self to Susanna Joy, the medium
Intuitive Clairvoyance, Claircognizance and Clairaudience with your Angels and/or Spirit Guides
Susanna Joy intuitively provides a mental and energetic scan of your body to seek possible imbalances or problems with your health. She will then suggest potential solutions
Discover one of your soul’s previous lives. The past life that comes forth is usually one life that is associated with your soul’s current life. The past expresses parallel life lesson connections with your current life
An easy process to learn information about you and/or another person. Learn and confirm aspects about you or perhaps your relationship connections with friends, family, partnership or a love relationship. The process is simple and fun. All that is required are names and birth dates
Discerning personal and professional relationships with numerical energies for all aspects of life from relationships to addresses to places more suited for you. Your strongest and most influential numbers are your birthday and birth date. Either or both formats are utilized for accuracy and insight
This special psychic reading is a wonderful tool that is best used to explore additional or new information about the person that owned and or wore the object. Suggested items are jewelry, clothing, photo or anything that can be held. The object contains particles of energy information about its’ owner. This is sort of like energetic DNA attached to the object
Discover the Power of believing and learning too trust your personal connection with your inner soul. Learn processes tools such as engaging in meditation for enhancing your overall life path
Using only the Tarot greater arcana and royalty cards, these cards are shuffled and spread to further enhance or confirm your soul or psychic reading
Susanna Joy meditates then quietly connects with your love-one in an altered consciousness, comatose or vegetative state. Length of time and details vary will vary. Remember, to always communicate with your loved, as they enjoy knowing you are with them and care
One of the most successful approaches to enhance peace of mind, stress release, improve quality of health, studies and exams, increase creativity and direction, and much more. Quieting the mind is a primary practice of listening to G-d, angels, and your higher soul self; whereas prayer is talking to G-d
Pet Communication
What are your pet’s feelings, concerns or issues? Receive insight and solutions regarding your pet’s life. Discover answers to your questions. Yes, we can connect with your passed pet via Spirit Mediumship
View the video interview of Suzanne Joy Stuart with Camille Miller here:
Interest and curiosity to experience a reading
Specific solutions to their life area issues: career, children, (child), education, family, health, job, love, marriage, relationships, romance, spirituality, travel, etc. their specific life concerns
Desire a teacher that will guide and assist them on their spiritual journey
Guidance about career, job or other professional concerns
Learn as you grow and expand in consciousness, your awareness and advancement enlightens you with the wisdom of your soul’s
pre-mapped ascension plan. Your soul mind accurately guides you with present and future messages for you to travel the path that serves your highest good
"She was very nice and explained the process to me and at the end when I had other questions she took the time to answer them all. Asked her to see what spirits were attached to me and I had two that were there since birth one was doing things to keep me safe but what he had done I remember. The other offered love both were good angels. She spoke to both my grandmothers and a cousin... I didn't believe it at first until they told her how they passed and I couldn't do anything but cry. I went to contact one person that didn't come through but I will be there again with her, if she allows. I wish she did one on one training but what I see are group trainings, so that I can understand my gifts. I will contact her to find out but an amazing lady all around."
"I had a wonderful experience and can't wait to go back again!! She made me more enlightened with my higher self."
"I was really nervous for my first time but I was also excited to see about getting some good insight into my life. Suzanna was very helpful explaining how everything works prior to arrival. Throughout the reading there were things she confirmed for me that brought a lot of relief and one or two things I wasn't entirely sure about at the moment but later had a complete realization and it all made sense! I'll surely be going back and definitely recommend her as someone who will make you feel welcomed and comforted for during your reading."
"Susanna Joy is amazing! My mom and I both did the Soul-to-Soul seer reading at the Holistic Fair and everything she said was spot on – not only was it all accurate but it provided much-needed guidance and clarification. I highly recommend Susanna – she connects directly to your Soul and provides insight on any topic. What a blessing to meet her, thank you, Susanna, for sharing your gifts with us"
"She truly a gifted person. My Grandmother came through and there were specific things said that no one other than close family could have known. It’s been almost a year since I went and I am definitely going to make another appointment!"
"I went in not really expecting results. I was very skeptical about medium abilities. However she told me about someone that I recently lost that there was no way she could have researched and found. She is truly amazing and very comfortable to be around. You won't be disappointed if you go in for a reading"
"I've lost a few close loved ones and wanted to try out Suzanne's services not really expecting results. However she came through with things that no one could have known but the loved ones who have passed. I would recommend her services to anyone needing closure with a loved one or even needing peace in their heart"
"Susana seems to just use her sensing ability to tap into what is going on around my life, by holding my hand as opposed to tarot cards and what not. At times, it seems she doesn't even need to do that. She sensed that I would be moving, before I had even planned to, although the timing was a little off. We do determine our future, well, our soul does more so than our mind. It was mostly positive and encouraging, but I didn't have a lot of questions to ask. I didn't feel a need for a reading, but just for fun to tap into the spirit, soul, and gain some insight into current events and relationships."
"Fantastic Beautiful, graceful, insightful, connected, Susana Joy Stuart is a wonderful! An excellent experience to meet her and have a reading with her. Glad I had a chance to connect while in the Dallas/ Arlington area"
"Thank You! 5 Star."
"I had a wonderful experience and can't wait to go back again!! She made me more enlightened with my higher self."
"Susan is very welcoming and warming! She truly has a healing heart and beautifully intuitive mind. The experience with her is definitely worth more than other businesses I've been to/tried to go to in the Arlington area. Very reassuring."
"Susana is one of the most gifted Psychics in the Dallas area. Her interactive readings respond directly to your immediate desires, goals and concerns by psychically attuning with your inner soul self on all levels. I highly recommend Susanna to anyone looking for an energetically accurate reading about your personal or professional life"
"I was really nervous for my first time but I was also excited to see about getting some good insight into my life. Suzanna was very helpful explaining how everything works prior to arrival. Throughout the reading there were things she confirmed for me that brought a lot of relief and one or two things I wasn't entirely sure about at the moment but later had a complete realization and it all made sense! I'll surely be going back and definitely recommend her as someone who will make you feel welcomed and comforted for during your reading."
"Susanna is awesome! She looks at your core and tells you who you are inside. She is an amazing medium! I recommend her to anyone."
Dolphin Angel Wings is the #1 Soul-2-Soul seer psychic in Arlington, Texas. With years of deep experience in the field from our soul-2-soul seer psychic specialist Susanna Joy, you know you're getting the best experiences possible. We don't just offer the best soul-2-soul seer psychic services at Dolphin Angel Wings, however, we also draw great inspiration from Native legends and tales about the spiritual guidance these incredible and spiritual creatures can provide. Our soul-2-soul seer psychic specialist, Susanna Joy, founded her career on the compassionate and mystical inspiration of dolphins and porpoises, and we hope to bring you the same kind of solace. So if you need the services of a soul-2-soul seer psychic, call us today at 817-642-3014.
Most readings are in person, for long-distance readings phone or zoom is effective, but not email or mail.
Yes private sessions with one or a few people are acceptable.
The fastest way to contact Susanna Joy is via phone - 817-713-3413; e-mail is acceptable yet the response time is longer.
Both. A seer tends to reach higher than the psychic using multiple “Clairs” sense ( seeing, hearing, knowing, smelling, tasting, feeling.) All Spirit Mediums are Psychic; however, not all psychics are Spirit Mediums.
Spirit Medium communication is solely between the Medium and the departed spirit. The only questions that Susanna Joy will ask spirit are those directly associated with a specific phrase or object, etc. that the spirit mentions or shows. These questions are for clarity purposes
On two-three combinations of readings are possible, it depends on the length of your session. An example would e a Soul-2-Soul reading and an Astro-Numerology reading in a one hour session.
Arlington Texas 76012 Find Dolphin Angel Wings on New Linked-In page, Twitter, FB and Google:
All Rights Reserved | Dolphin Angel Wings. All Articles, information, logos, and trademarks connected with every page are the intellectual property of Dr Suzanna Joy Stuart, PhD ND D.Min. They cannot or may not be reused without her prior written consent.
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